
Visit to Solid Waste management Project area in South India

In September, we also visited some settlment in South of India working on solid waste management project under Department of Home, Tibetan Govt. in Exile, which is one of the partner organizations of IM. Out of 5 southern setltlement, we visited 4 settlements namely Mundgod, Dekyi Larsoe, Lungsung (Both in Bylakuppe) and Hunsur.

The purpose of the field visit to these settlements was to learn something about IM's other projects apart from the fair trade field.

My hometown is in Mundgod and it does make me feel proud to see my settlement more cleaner than it was before. People are more aware of taking care of their waste and trying not to make use of plastic bag. I saw my younger sister writing to one of her friends -telling her about the positive impact of THIS PROJECT in our settlement. I had a very good feeling after reading that letter.
Our World may not be perfect but the small contribution from the people and organizations makes a difference to others' life. And it's a great achievement in itself.

Solid Waste Management, Mundgod

There are nine camps, 2 big monasteries, few small monasteries, 1 home for elderly, 3 hostels in Mundgod settlement.

-Presentation of Sign board by Tenzin Dickyi(Project Officer of DoHome) on paper and through power point presentation.
-Shared information on various effects on health from the waste with the help of power point
-Mundgod Settlement has received an appreciation letter from DC (Deputy Commissioner), karwar.
-There has been an active participation from the community. People raise questions about the solid waste in meetings and gatherings.
-The Project officer in Mundgod also conducts workshops for shopkeepers and drivers.
-They first introduced a carry bag in one general store which later became quite popular amongst other vendors.
-The solid waste collected in 3 camps in one day weighs 400-450 kg per truck. They collect 2 trucks of waste per day.
-All the wet waste of household are either used as manure in the field or food for the livestock.
-The Project Officer suggested that networking between settlement to exchange ideas will prove to be helpful in tackling the issues of solid waste dumping.
-There has been a ban on plastic with the help from camp leader, who will monitor in their camps.
-3 month cleanliness check up is done in all the camps and there is a prize for the winners which is distributed during Tibetan festival.
-Meeting with hubli municipal corporation took place only once and it was to discuss about the management of waste(solid).
-The DoHome project officer suggested visiting other landfill areas/cities to collect more information on landfills.
-Suggestion from the project officer in Mundgod for workshop related to solid waste management.
-There were discussions about fencing, Compactor and road to the landfills in Mundgod settlement.
-Some of the wastes are burned. The project officer from the home department also discussed about its affect on health.
-In order to built a landfill, quantity and quality of the waste has to be kept in mind-which’s the main purpose of this visit from the DoHome Project officer.
-On Environment Day, they spread awareness to School with the help from the Health officer in Mundgod to give speech on health related issues.
-The dumping site belongs to a Tibetan family and the Settlement has made a 10 year agreement with them for an amount of 10,000 Indian rupees.
-The scrap dealer chose only the waste materials that can be sold and discard which are of no use to them.

The project started in the year 2003. Lungsung has 3500 acre in Bylakuppe. There are 3 big monasteries, 4 small monasteries, 2 schools and 6 camps. There are hospitals, restaurants, offices within the Lungsung Settlement. The total budget for 2010 for the solid waste management is INR 16,00,000.

-In the beginning, they kept 2 dustbin in the Settlement for communities to dump their waste on a trail basis but they mix both the dry and wet waste making it difficult for the green workers to collect it.
-Hence they started collecting from door-door. As a result, it is now more manageable.
-From 6th July i.e. His Holiness Birthday- it was informed to all the people in the Bylakuppe settlement to ban plastic bag. A month notice is given to all the settlers.
-The total waste collected in a day amounts to 1000 kg with 2-3 trips.
-They burn the leftover which is left after the segregation near the pit.
-The total recyclable material is 350kg.
-There is 1 Green worker and 1 driver cum green worker.
-They are using cooperative land for dumping their waste.
-They have done a survey for landfills in Bylakuppe.
-The green workers wear boots and clothes while collecting and dumping the waste.
-The cleanliness survey is done quarterly but now they will do half yearly.
-The total amount collected from the waste is INR 3000-4000 per month. They collect INR 30 from each shops per months and generate INR 500 from the schools.

The solid waste management in Dekyi Larsoe started in the year 2005. Dekyi Larsoe is the new settlement in Bylakuppe with a population of 5000-6000 in 16 villages and 2 average size monasteries. It has 1800 acre of land.
-They collect waste 4 times a week.
-Each truck weighs 400-500 kg.
-Out of 2 green worker, 1 is working as a driver cum green worker. In addition, there is 1 helper.
-They are dumping the waste on un-used land. The contract is for 5 years.
-They collect Rs. 6 per month from each family.

Tsering Youdon
IM Fair Trade Coordinator

P.S. Pictures coming up later! Weak server at present.

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