
TEED Trust, Yellapur

Aradhana SHG with IM Staff in September 2010

This is one of the partner Organizations of IM based in South of India, which we recently visited. The name of the partner organization is called TEED trust (
Tribal Educational and Environmental Development) and is few km from my hometown. There are 6 tribal communities in the area.
And 121 SHG out of which we visited one of them.
The Village name is Hunshetti Koppa and the SHG is called Aradhana. There are 35 Sidhi families in the Village out of which 20 women have formed this SHG in the year 2000.
-The members in group grow chilli, tomato, lady’s finger, brinjal, Cucumber, beans in their Kitchen garden. -They have their own paddy field for own consumption.
-They also have cashew and chicken for sale. -Leadership training program is conducted to these SHG women by TEED (SOIR-IM partner Organization) in order to achieve unity within the group.
-The youngest member in the group is 20 years of age and the oldest member in the group is 60 years of age.

-From the SHG money, they provide loan for education, marriage and other purpose also.
-They have bought some vessels and lend it during marriage function in the Village and charge Rs.100/day. If they lend to their members, they charge INR 25/day.
-For taking in new member, there is no specific criteria except that she’s to be of good character,adjust with the members and do not share their issues with others in the Village.
-They collect Rs. 40 per month from each member as a capital.
-They also take loan from bank if and when necessary.
-These women also work in the agriculture land owned by others and get paid INR 60/day. -They participate in rally to get their land documented.
-The challenges in the Village are: Alcohol but SHG took community action against the local liquor shop in the Village.
-They have an identity in the Society and socially recognized.

-They also provide pencils, notebooks to a hostel constructed for poor children from other Village.
-Many of them has Television and mobile.
-Two of them were sent for training in driving.
Tsering Youdon
IM Fair Trade Coordinator

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