
Design Intervention at Dekyiling

Designer Sadhu and master tailor Jigme working on the sample
I spent the whole last week with Dekyiling artisans and Sadhu (Designer). We worked on scarves, rug, bed covers, table mat samples with KKM and some bags with Tibetan Women Centre. Besides, the initial plan was to use KKM fabric and engage Dekyiling artisans. However, the fabric did not come out as nice as we had planned....even though we are using it now in cushions, bags, aprons, pot holder and for lining. I never thought design was going to be an easy intervention but I am glad dekyiling artisans are so good at what they do. ....making me believe we will come out with something productive.
Last week, we made six bags with different colors and patterns. We tried using some fabrics from the market so as to cut down the cost......cost being the most common issue with our producer groups. Working only on Dekyiling fabric will end up producing costly bags which was not intended. If we were not able to export these products, the best option would be to reach the domestic market.
The fabrics we used are cotton, felt, printed cotton etc ...matched with dekyiling fabrics to make a range of bags. We tried making best use of the KKM fabric by converting them into kitchen items.
Artisans working on bags
The Dekyiling artisans are so efficient and positive. There was discussion and suggestion from both ends which helped a lot during the sample development. Most of all, it is such a peaceful atmosphere! All of them have so much of positive energy and made my week the most memorable one. I also spent some time on the stitching machine and came out with a water bottle holder :-). The artisans look up to the master tailor Jigme for ideas and guidance and the latter did her best! We have plans to visit them next week.

Tsering Youdon
Fair Trade Coordinator

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