
PO's network meeting at IM, Rajpur in November

This year, the network meeting between IM's partner organization was not only about sharing each other's experiences and project activities;but on FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act), Income Tax, budget monitoring and RBA (Rights Based Approach).
Besides IM's partner organizations, accountants and management of other organization such as monasteries, local Tibetan administration, private institution and IM's auditors participated in the workshop. Almost 50 participants were present during the workshop on FCRA.
The FCRA new rules and regulations in India will be applicable to all the voluntary agencies/organizations working towards the development of the communities...mainly marginalized groups through Education, Health and IGA programmes. And many feels that the new rules are constricted and stringent. But they have to follow them.
The network meeting is helpful in providing updated information on IM's new strategies and approach in the development programmes. The partner organizations are informed about the new changes in the programme and provided feedback on their reporting from the IM office.
Over the years, I personally feel that we have grown stronger as a team - collectively going through all the projects, compiling of the quantitative and qualitative data and working together on project reports, strategies and organizational report and evaluation. And it was found useful as we all have some information on each projects and are aware of each partner organization's SWOT.

Tsering Youdon
Fair Trade Coordinator

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