- The meeting was held at the youth building in the village. The balwadi classes are also conducted in the same building as their new building is in construction with support from the Govt. We saw few children waiting outside for their parents who have come for the meeting. Of the 28 people who participated, there are 3 members who have both the families in the SHG.
- - -Means of transportation and access to other facilities: Their village is 7 km from the main road and there is only one bus in a week..i.e. Sunday. The Govt. mobile clinic is available only on Friday from 2-5pm. During emergency, they call private vehicle to reach the hospital. All the minor ailment are cured by using herbal medicine such as sandalwood paste and other medicinal plant grown in the forest.
- - After the SHG formation, 75% of them can read and sign. They are involved in inter-loaning but have no bank linkages. They do not get any govt. subsidized loan. But they are not taking loans from the landlords as they live far from them. They take part in the orientation programme by TEED Trust on taking loan and payment of interest on time so that their SHG will grow. Trainings on leadership, President’s and Secy’s role, vocational training, carpenter training, revolving fund, education support and balwadi etc are provided by TEED Trust.
- TEED Trust is the first NGO to enter this village and spread awareness on the SHG concept and in tapping govt’s schemes and services. It was when the couple – Poojary had the toughest time and the biggest challenge in bringing together the people who are scattered having no concrete support in the field of education, IGA or more importantly availing govt’s services to form a group and work together for the same cause. They have succeeded in gaining their trust. There are SHG that are doing very well and there are ones that dissolves after few years as a result of migration for employment purpose.
- We met two girls who have passed out the vocational training under TEED Trust and now a part of the SHG. They are continuing their tailoring work and earning Rs. 500 per month during festivals and Rs. 300 per month during off season.
Tsering Youdon
Fair Trade coordinator
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