
Workshop for artisans of Tibetan Women Centre and Dekyiling artisans on fair trade principles

Workshop for artisans of Tibetan Women Centre and Dekyiling Handicraft Centre on fair trade concepts and its principles by Mrs. Alka for one day each in the month February 2011.

The producer groups do not have enough resources to increase the capacity of their artisans. Only one artisan out of the 16 has participated in a workshop. Besides, we did not expect the artisans to grasp all the information in a day as they have never been to such a workshop before. We organize the workshop in SOIR-IM premise with the hope that they will enjoy the greenery surrounding and may be able to take back lots of information from the resource person.

The resource person touched upon some of the principles of fair trade such as the working conditions, transparency and accountability, quality, fair wage, capacity building etc through activity and games which made it easier for the artisans to understand.

No one in the room had heard about fair trade and how their organizations work in fulfilling the standards. The game helped them understand more about the concepts of fair trade and difference between trade and fair trade.

The participants are young and expressive which helped the resource person in spreading awareness about fair trade. The participants also understands Hindi language quite well.

It was a productive day. I hope to conduct follow-up workshop in the coming months for the artisans.

Tsering Youdon
Fair Trade Coordinator

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