
Workshop for the artisans of IMEX, Dekyiling and Tibetan Women Centre

The main purpose of the workshop was to inform the artisans about fair trade and other issues relating to fair trade such as customers, buyers, quality, middlemen, supply chain.
Artisans, middlemen, IMO and Buyer
1) IMEX Artisans – 17 artisans and 1 master weaver
2) Dekyiling Tibetan Handicraft Center- 2 master weavers and 3 artisans
3) Tibetan Women Center – 4 artisans

The mainstream market and Supply Chain was explained to the artisans via taking example of their daily shopping. I explained to the artisans that we never bother to ask questions about the people involved in the production process of tea. Mrs. Alka told them that the people working in the tea plantation and the factories are never paid enough of their work.

Artisans were asked about the meaning of fair trade. To them:
1) It means to work to the best of one’s own ability.
2) Customer should be satisfied
3) There should not be any complaints
4) The products should be at a reasonable price
5) The produce should be of good quality

Picture Observations:
Each group was also given 1 or 2 pictures for observations and to draw conclusions. There were pictures of a customer, group of people having a meeting, children working and artisans working on the design.

Mrs Alka told them that the observation could be anything – there is no right or wrong thing.They were also told of the difference between children learning and working.

When asked about the maintenance of quality, they replied that there should not be any defect…..product has to be of good quality…for a reasonable price. Customer should be happy and satisfied with the product

The Ten Principles in Tibetan Language:
The ten principles of fair trade was read out to them by one of the artisans and I explained in brief.

A group game on team work.
Lessons observed and learned:
1) Working together
2) Completion of work on time. Not to leave one’s work half done.
3) Some commented that the one who made the longer line wins.
4) Create ideas in making a product
5) Targets to be achieved, encourage the groups, coordination, lead the groups.
6) Watch your competitor
7) Participation of all the participants

Sample Development:
4 groups of 4-5 each was formed to develop a sample for the Christmas. 2 groups received positive response from the buyer and one group's sample was rejected. One group did not make the sample as was told to them.

As far as my opinion is concerned, I am quite satisfied with the way the workshop turned out. Most of the artisans participated in all the group games except for few...as it happens in workshop that I have attended.

Tsering Youdon
Fair Trade Coordinator

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