
Visit to other SOIR-IM's projects - TEED Trust in Yellapur, Karnataka State

TEED Trust has a total of 121 SHGs with a total of 2160 members. During our meeting with SHG federaton, a total of 57 women participated along with 7 male staff of TEED Trust.  
The formation of SHG has helped in building a strong network in the family, community and resulted in increased income in the family. Following are the experiences and knowledge gained by the members of SHG:-
 1) They are aware of the importance of saving money, cooperating with other members and are able to send their children to school, learned how to sign their names, can provide education support to their children pursuing higher education and improved social and economic status.
-        2) Members  not only work as a daily labourer but has a small agriculture field growing paddy and a dairy farm.
-            3)  As a result of SHG formation and group support, they can now tackle domestic voilence faced by any members.
-           4) There are also many cases where husbands are cooperative and help in repaying the loan.
-         5) With the support from TEED Trust and as a group, they tap govt. services easily such as subsidized loans schemes that is presently successful with some groups. There are groups not availing any Govt. scheme.or having any bank linkages.
-        6) A proactive in the community development such as closing down liquor shops in the area, distributing books and sweets to schools, education support to poor families and support in building temple in the area.
-        7) They are not scared to approach govt. officials and have achieved in getting Schedule caste and tribe identification registered. TEED Trust has played a significant role in lobbying and tapping of govt’s resources…in the case of Forest rights for the tribals.
-      8)  They have availed the govt. employment scheme, MNREGA (The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage). They are paid Rs. 125 a day and there are instances where payment is not done on time or not transferred to the workers…..the bureaucracy exists even in the remotest rural areas. But in one case, the people went on a strike and solved the matter – shared one of them. The SHG has made these people quite powerful and aware of their rights.
-        9) Women share important information on health, tapping govt. schemes,savings etc collected during capacity building provided by TEED Trust with their husbands.
-        10) They visit either religious places nearby or a picnic spot for exposure from their collected savings. And the decision is made by all as there are families in the group under BPL who can not afford to go on a long tour.
-        Earlier they did not know how to approach a bank manager – said one woman- but now they can write application and introduce themselve to the bank manager and  social welfare department.
-        11) With the help of TEED Trust, they can send their children to pursue higher level of education such as  LLB, M.Com to name a few.
-        Mrs. Mohini translated to us that these women feel that they were living a cage before the SHG formation---- involved in cooking only…but now they are earning and saving too. They are able to repay the loans within the stipulated period (six months).
-        12) Communication with the outside people has increased and are able to do community service such as..providing assistance as cooking or serving food during marriage function or performing yakshagana  during festival in the village. “Yakshagana” is a theatre performance usually depicting a story from Indian epic poems or Kuranas.

Note: Internet is very slow, so could not upload the picture. Will do it soon.

Tsering Youdon
Fair Trade Coordinator

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