
Production process at Aaharam Spinning Mill

Raw organic cotton 
Waste cotton
Carding machine
1) The raw cotton are collected in loads of 150 kg each from the village to the spinning mill. After the raw cottons are cleaned and de-seeded, they are put into a stretcher machine for carding. The yarns are made into a bundle/bale wrapped by a cotton thread because it is easy to handle the yarn and for economical storage. There is always a 10 kg of waste after cleaning the raw cotton. The wastes are used as wick for oil lamp and pillows.

Made into bale/bundle
Yarn carded and smoothen

Drawing machine

2)After carding, it is put into the drawing machine where the yarns are made smoother and kept in a big tin. The second process into the drawing machine makes the yarn smoother and remove the particles and dry out the moisture.
Spinning machine
Ring Frame machine

Spinning Machine hall

3) The yarns are then forwarded to an another area/room where the spinning machines are kept. There are 25 women working in the spinning unit. But they were not working on that day. These machines convert the yarns into bobbin on a large scale and then it is put into an
other machine that is known as Ring frame to make these bobbin into thin strand. Mr. Parthasarathy, who is the incharge, explained to us all the steps involved.

Final product of 20 counts

4) The final produce of 20 counts of yarn. These machines operates for only 8 hours in a day.

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